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About Jadan

Jadan at Airbnb 1-11-22 (11)

Born to be an entrepreneur

My dad built & sold houses with my uncle to build his own house with cash in the 90s. Flash forward to 2004, my parents bought land with 20+ "rentals" from my great grandfather, but it wasn't being run as a business back then. I'm told it was a "party town," lol. Over the years my parents have turned it into a profitable set up. 

My dad still does odd jobs on the side, my brother has his own business, andddd so do 3 out of 4 of my cousins! 

Forever learning

I am truly fascinated by online marketing. I've listened to and continue to find many business podcasts, enjoy reading newsletters from leaders in the creative space, reading business books, and going through various courses to refine my existing skills and expand my expertise. 

I look up to Amy Porterfield, Abby Grace, and Ashlyn Carter. Love their podcasts, newsletters, and courses!

The Timeline

~2013: Began the photography journey

Jadan Tanner Photo- portrait + branding photography! 

Where did this come from? May have been from the multiple photoshoots my brother and I did each year (birthdays, Easter, Christmas, etc.) Read more on my photography site!

Fall 2019: Got my real estate license!

Went to HACC for my senior year of high school and ended up taking a real estate class for fun in the spring semester...without realizing it was class 1 for getting your license. So I decided to do just that! Had to wait until I graduated high school to even take the license test!

Jan 2020: Got into networking

Kelli, my mentor Realtor, basically said "as a Realtor, you join the chamber of commerce." I did just that. Now I'm on the Southern Lancaster Chamber board and am a member of the Northern Lancaster Chamber! As a social butterfly business owner, this was a no brainer. I wish more young people got into networking!

Fall 2021: Got out of real estate

2 years in real estate and I have zero regrets. I met a lot of people and learned plenty. If it hadn't been for Kelli, who knows if I would have found my way to networking! 

Plus my license is in referral, meaning I can still refer buyers and sellers!

Fall 2021: First VA client

At a Chamber networking event (that I co-hosted!), I connected with an acquaintance about running her business' social media! 

And I still manage Peach Bottom Consignment's socials, manage her email list, help with marketing, etc.

Now: 2 recurring clients and projects

My next recurring client was found real estate days! So I'm still not disconnected from that world, lol. 

I take on project-based work to help business owners relocate, refresh their marketing, or get started. 

Fast Facts

  • Outdoor runner (cannot stand the treadmill!)
  • Meal prepper (does this surprise you? It's the most efficient way to cook)
  • Wannabe traveler- had to the opportunity to go to Europe in 2018 with People to People, spontaneously visited a friend in CA, and am hoping to relocate to a new country (TBD) someday

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